Does the idea of updating your website stop you dead in your tracks? Get moving and contact DesignInk Digital and ask for Ingrid DiPaula

Does the idea of updating your website stop you dead in your tracks?

You’re not alone! Your website is your showcase for your business. Maybe YOU are your business, even if your name is not on your business it is a complete reflection of you and your team and that can be unnerving.

Or is it?

Your website is the foundation of your advertising, your first opportunity to show your customers who and what you’re offering. It’s time to put your ideas, your products on the line or shall we say ‘online’? Updating your website is the right step to take.

We like to say, “we sweat so you can shine”.

We are here to guide you through the process. Are you already thinking about some of these key questions?

  • What’s our Call To Action?
  • How do we grab people to want to know more?
  • How do I display our products?
  • How do we retain our customers?
  • Where will our customers come from?
  • What do I charge?
  • How do I know when to add more products?
  • What’s our brand look?
  • What colors, what fonts, what’s the feel?

Leaders must either invest a reasonable amount of time attending to fears and feelings, or squander an unreasonable amount of time trying to manage ineffective and unproductive behavior.

~ Brené Brown


Well don’t stop. Continue your forward motion and let us guide you down the right path. We have been helping business owners since 2008 build their online presence starting with their websites. Whatever you already have in thought, written or scribble let’s begin there and put the pieces together — together. Determine your Customer avatar, your ideal customer, and continue your progress.

Since you are a forward thinker it’s likely that you have a variety of customer touch points you are already utilizing or want to, take a look at this checklist and share what you’re thinking. It may seem like a lot of possibilities but chances are you’re already doing many of these and we just need to organize them in a focused manner for maximum benefit. By prioritizing with your goals in mind we come up with your digital plan, your digital strategy to achieve them and will almost always start with your website.

Are you ready? Get started creating your new look. We have the experience to get you what you ultimately want — more quality business.

Now that you can have the help you need updating your website, what are you waiting for?

Let’s Get Started

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