Master Class Solutions

Establish your company as an industry authority, create evergreen offerings, generate leads and produce revenue. Master Class series offers students within your industry,  expertise, skills and tools delivered by your subject matter experts. Elements of a successful master class include guest presenters, interactive sessions, case studies, discussion, resources, assignments, and networking opportunities. 

Master Classes offer your online business an opportunity to develop relevant classes incorporating live interactive sessions, vetting for new business, and passive earning possibilities. Are you an industry expert who balks at video production or curriculum development? Do you know what you want to teach in a master class and just not know how to deliver?

DesignInk Digital specializes in concept to completion customized online learning packages. We meet with you and your team to review your objectives and together create a plan to complement skills and resources. From email funnels and drip campaigns, to video production and participants’ dashboard creation – we build your customized online learning to match your vision.

Evergreen Opportunities

Lead Generation

Produce revenue

Members Dashboard

Professional Community

Evergreen Opportunities

Lead Generation

Produce Revenue

Members Dashboard

Professional Community

Evergreen Opportunities

Lead Generation

Subject Matter Expert

Members Dashboard

Professional Community

Master Class with PlantBased Solutions Daniel Karsevar
Master Class with PlantBased Solutions Daniel Karsevar
My market is growing and changing. I know I need to grow too, where do I start?
How do I use my website to generate passive income?

Master Class

Master Class Solutions, show you expertise, share your knowledge and create Evergreen content that you can earn passive income from your valuable content services

Schedule your Master Class Consultation

DesignInk Digital provides solutions for your growing online business.


